Vision Sunday


Sunday - 5:30pm Worship Celebration SOMERSET, NJ - Wednesday - 7PM BIBLE FELLOWSHIP

by: Christina Belloff



On "Vision Sunday", Pastor Gabriel delivered God's vision for First Love Church! We understand that it is necessary to have God's vision for the church because of His Word which says, "Where there's no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18a) Pastor Gabriel explained what the DNA (or essence) of the church ought to be. The key Bible verse that FLC needs to focus on is 1 John 4:19 which says, "We love because he first loved us." And this is what we will strive to live out in our daily lives in order to honor God and to continue as a Holy Spirit-filled family!

  1. We are a lighthearted, profound an functional family.
  2. We believe Jesus is all we need.
  3. The organization serves the "organism".
  4. We strive to support the new generations.
  5. We welcome people as they are, so that God can transform them into who He created them to be.
  6. A community committed to people's restoration.
  7. For us, "to be" is more important than "to do".
  8. Whatever resembles Jesus, resembles us.
  9. We are commissioned to the world from Somerset, NJ, sharing the love of God with a dying world.
  10. There are no celebrities in here. Jesus is the most important person.
  11. One agenda, no prohibited topics.
  12. A community led by people committed to Jesus which cultivates an environment of love among themselves.
  13. We strive for excellence and transparency in all we do.
  14. Society is impacted by our members while they live under the ethics of the Kingdom in every area of their lives.
  15. A community that deals with financial resources with transparency but with no exposition.
  16. A normal community about Jesus, made up of people for the glory of the true living God.

As the adults were learning about the vision God has given to First Love Church, the children of the church were also learning about vision! First, they listened to the Bible story about Jesus healing the blind beggar and giving him new physical and spiritual vision! Then, they had to complete a small obstacle course blindfolded to see how difficult it is to "navigate life" without vision. After that, the children colored a pair of "God-gles"! In case you didn't know, God-gles are much better than goggles because we need God to open our spiritual eyes in order to see what He's doing in our lives, in our families, in our church and in our community! The kids put on their God-gles and tried the obstacle course again. Everything makes more sense when we allow God to guide us!!

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On "Vision Sunday", Pastor Gabriel delivered God's vision for First Love Church! We understand that it is necessary to have God's vision for the church because of His Word which says, "Where there's no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18a) Pastor Gabriel explained what the DNA (or essence) of the church ought to be. The key Bible verse that FLC needs to focus on is 1 John 4:19 which says, "We love because he first loved us." And this is what we will strive to live out in our daily lives in order to honor God and to continue as a Holy Spirit-filled family!

  1. We are a lighthearted, profound an functional family.
  2. We believe Jesus is all we need.
  3. The organization serves the "organism".
  4. We strive to support the new generations.
  5. We welcome people as they are, so that God can transform them into who He created them to be.
  6. A community committed to people's restoration.
  7. For us, "to be" is more important than "to do".
  8. Whatever resembles Jesus, resembles us.
  9. We are commissioned to the world from Somerset, NJ, sharing the love of God with a dying world.
  10. There are no celebrities in here. Jesus is the most important person.
  11. One agenda, no prohibited topics.
  12. A community led by people committed to Jesus which cultivates an environment of love among themselves.
  13. We strive for excellence and transparency in all we do.
  14. Society is impacted by our members while they live under the ethics of the Kingdom in every area of their lives.
  15. A community that deals with financial resources with transparency but with no exposition.
  16. A normal community about Jesus, made up of people for the glory of the true living God.

As the adults were learning about the vision God has given to First Love Church, the children of the church were also learning about vision! First, they listened to the Bible story about Jesus healing the blind beggar and giving him new physical and spiritual vision! Then, they had to complete a small obstacle course blindfolded to see how difficult it is to "navigate life" without vision. After that, the children colored a pair of "God-gles"! In case you didn't know, God-gles are much better than goggles because we need God to open our spiritual eyes in order to see what He's doing in our lives, in our families, in our church and in our community! The kids put on their God-gles and tried the obstacle course again. Everything makes more sense when we allow God to guide us!!

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