Unique Like a Snowflake


Sunday - 5:30pm Worship Celebration SOMERSET, NJ - Wednesday - 7PM BIBLE FELLOWSHIP

by: Christina Belloff



Today, the children of First Love Church learned that there are no two snowflakes that are exactly alike. Every snowflake that has ever existed has its own unique shape and intricate pattern.

And just like God created each snowflake to be perfectly unique, he made every single person to be perfectly unique also! Not only do we all have different physical features, but very different personalities, likes/dislikes, gifts/talents and ways of looking at the world! There is only ONE of you in all of existence! You were personally made by our creative God, and He loved you before you were even born! To demonstrate this in a tangible way, the children each made their own mosaic-type snowflake in their own special style.

Then they learned this verse from the International Children's Bible: "I praise You because You made me in an amazing and wonderful way." (Psalms 139:14a) After that, they danced around like little snowflakes, worshiping Jesus and praising God for making each one of us with such creativity!

We would love for you to make a visit to First Love Church! And as you can see, there is something for the whole family! So feel free to explore our website, and join us at our next Sunday gathering, or at one of our weeknight home churches!

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Today, the children of First Love Church learned that there are no two snowflakes that are exactly alike. Every snowflake that has ever existed has its own unique shape and intricate pattern.

And just like God created each snowflake to be perfectly unique, he made every single person to be perfectly unique also! Not only do we all have different physical features, but very different personalities, likes/dislikes, gifts/talents and ways of looking at the world! There is only ONE of you in all of existence! You were personally made by our creative God, and He loved you before you were even born! To demonstrate this in a tangible way, the children each made their own mosaic-type snowflake in their own special style.

Then they learned this verse from the International Children's Bible: "I praise You because You made me in an amazing and wonderful way." (Psalms 139:14a) After that, they danced around like little snowflakes, worshiping Jesus and praising God for making each one of us with such creativity!

We would love for you to make a visit to First Love Church! And as you can see, there is something for the whole family! So feel free to explore our website, and join us at our next Sunday gathering, or at one of our weeknight home churches!

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